Monday, January 12, 2009

H8 lives on Vandolah Lane

At the beginning of the school year, I gave my children a cell phone. They carry it because they walk home from school, and have to cross a busy street. I want them to be safe. I wanted to protect them. I unfortunately could not protect them from what happened today on the way home from school.

There is a house on my street that has 3 boys that live in it. 2 of them walk home from school sometimes with my children, but mostly walk way ahead of them.

My son calls me today to let me know that they are crossing Woodhaven. (the busy street)

While on the phone with my son, I hear this conversation.

Boys "Sarah you are so GAY, and we DON'T LIKE GAY PEOPLE"

Sarah "Well I like Gay people. I know a girl who has 2 moms and they are really nice"

Boys "Sarah is gay, Sarah is gay, Sarah is gay......" etc

Sarah "Whatever, you are stupid."

So, before piano today Sarah and I had a talk about this.

I asked her what she thought gay was.....She said, RSG and HG are gay. (she used their names....I edit)

I asked her what makes them gay.... She said they love each other, and they kiss on the lips so, they are gay.

I went on to ask her if she thought being gay was alright.......She didn't even miss a beat when she said YES! (I am ever so proud of my 7 year old daughter.)

I am not proud however of saying where I live anymore. I really used to like this town. There were certain reasons why we moved here, but now they are being over shadowed by the bigotry and hatred that this town has chosen to adopt.

It is very upsetting to me that parents are teaching their children the language of hate. The mother of the bully boys is a teacher at the middle school here, and I certainly hope her hatred does not trickle down to her students.

My usual code is to forgive those who bully me/my family, because trying to talk about things and fix them never works with bigots. I am finding it extremely difficult this time.

I wonder if they need my old white sheets.

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