Saturday, September 26, 2009

You're so vain....I bet you think this blog is about you.

Therapy, its a wonderful thing.

I am really coming into myself. I know who I am, I know what I want, I am learning how to get it, and it is reinforcing lessons learned as a child.

Therapy is helping me see things in a simple way.

Simply put, life is about boundaries.

Regardless of when you establish them, they are yours. You and only you have to be comfortable with them.

You can have different boundaries for different people.

For example, most people have a set for their spouse/partner, a set for your children (if you have them), a set for family members, a set for work, a set for friends, and a set for acquaintances.

It is perfectly acceptable to have multiple boundaries and even boundaries within boundaries.

Some of my boundaries are as follows.

You don't call me on Sundays. I wont answer.

Don't text me during a race. I wont respond.

DO NOT attack me or my family. The result will not be pretty.

DO NOT talk about friends spouses to me. Their dynamic is their dynamic and I have nothing to do with it. What works in their home may not work in yours and you need to accept that.

DO NOT ever in my presence emasculate your spouse/partner. UN COOL!

I will not change who I am to please others and satisfy their own insecurities.

I will not change who I am period unless I want to.

Do not tell me that volunteering at the school and being an active member of my children's lives is less important that time with friends. In my world it is not.

Never ever ever ever attack my spouse. EVER. I can say he is a butt head sometimes. You may never say that.

Treat me with respect

Be honest with me. Even if you are afraid to be. Honesty is always the best policy and I will cease to respect you for even 1 lie.

Do not use guilt with me.

I will not use guilt with others.

If you have wronged someone apologize.

And the most important,
To have a friend you must be a friend.
You can not demand friendship from someone, you can not have unrealistic expectations of a friend and you must above all, accept your friend for who they are, warts and all.

These are just some of the many boundaries that I have adopted through therapy.

I am a much happier person lately. I have cut and will continue to cut drama out of my life.

I am happy to have my blog where I can express my feelings and desires in a safe and secure place away from ridicule and petty girl drama.

If you don't like my blog or what I say in it, you must remember it is not for you.
It is a window into me that I allow you to look through. Nothing more. If you feel slighted because people you may or may not know are mentioned and you are not, you must remember I don't write this for you. I write for me. Any slight you may feel is your own hang up and I will not be held responsible for your insecurities.

Yes, I am so vain, and I do think that this blog is about me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Is this really you? I have been thinking about your family so strongly lately. I finally remembered your married name in the middle of the night.
