Saturday, September 26, 2009

You're so vain....I bet you think this blog is about you.

Therapy, its a wonderful thing.

I am really coming into myself. I know who I am, I know what I want, I am learning how to get it, and it is reinforcing lessons learned as a child.

Therapy is helping me see things in a simple way.

Simply put, life is about boundaries.

Regardless of when you establish them, they are yours. You and only you have to be comfortable with them.

You can have different boundaries for different people.

For example, most people have a set for their spouse/partner, a set for your children (if you have them), a set for family members, a set for work, a set for friends, and a set for acquaintances.

It is perfectly acceptable to have multiple boundaries and even boundaries within boundaries.

Some of my boundaries are as follows.

You don't call me on Sundays. I wont answer.

Don't text me during a race. I wont respond.

DO NOT attack me or my family. The result will not be pretty.

DO NOT talk about friends spouses to me. Their dynamic is their dynamic and I have nothing to do with it. What works in their home may not work in yours and you need to accept that.

DO NOT ever in my presence emasculate your spouse/partner. UN COOL!

I will not change who I am to please others and satisfy their own insecurities.

I will not change who I am period unless I want to.

Do not tell me that volunteering at the school and being an active member of my children's lives is less important that time with friends. In my world it is not.

Never ever ever ever attack my spouse. EVER. I can say he is a butt head sometimes. You may never say that.

Treat me with respect

Be honest with me. Even if you are afraid to be. Honesty is always the best policy and I will cease to respect you for even 1 lie.

Do not use guilt with me.

I will not use guilt with others.

If you have wronged someone apologize.

And the most important,
To have a friend you must be a friend.
You can not demand friendship from someone, you can not have unrealistic expectations of a friend and you must above all, accept your friend for who they are, warts and all.

These are just some of the many boundaries that I have adopted through therapy.

I am a much happier person lately. I have cut and will continue to cut drama out of my life.

I am happy to have my blog where I can express my feelings and desires in a safe and secure place away from ridicule and petty girl drama.

If you don't like my blog or what I say in it, you must remember it is not for you.
It is a window into me that I allow you to look through. Nothing more. If you feel slighted because people you may or may not know are mentioned and you are not, you must remember I don't write this for you. I write for me. Any slight you may feel is your own hang up and I will not be held responsible for your insecurities.

Yes, I am so vain, and I do think that this blog is about me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Here it is folks

Desmoplastic Melanoma.

That's what the biopsy says. Don't know if it is in lymphatic system yet.
Consultation tomorrow, tissue test some time in September.

Going out for an expensive dinner tonight because I deserve it!
I will study and think about this tomorrow.

Friday, August 21, 2009

As if Parkinsons wasn't enough

As if Parkinsons wasn't enough, we found out today that dad has cancer.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Good BYE N.F.L

With the re-reinstatement of the convicted animal abuser Michael Vic, thus ends my viewership of any NFL event or sponsored event.

I am disgusted that the NFL would allow this monster to represent them.
As long as they choose condone his activities and allow him to play, I am choosing to not watch ANY NFL games.
I am also choosing to not support any of their sponsors that choose to buy airtime during any Philadelphia Eagles games.

This takes alot of pressure off of me. Now, I don't have to flip between Nascar races and Football games.
I am glad that MY sport Nascar has the longest season in sports.
I enjoy watching football, but will be doing so at the College level from now on.
At least when the Superbowl comes around (a game that I will NOT be watching) I know that I have only 1 week to the Daytona 500!! (and only 4 days until the twin duels)

Saturday, August 8, 2009


FYI, KC is superman.
I love him more and more everyday.
I see friends divorcing, breaking up, hating each other.
It makes me remember WHY I love KC.
I remember why it was worth it to run to Reno to get married.
I remember why after 28 days he's the one.
No matter what happens in my life I know 1 thing. He will always be there, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One more day.

Its hard to pinpoint the exact moment you grow up.

For me the growing up process has been a series of events stretched over my entire lifetime.

I was always the child that had to do EVERYTHING the hard way. Even if I knew what the "easy way" was, I'd still do it the hard way. Why, because if my mother wanted me to do something one way, I would deliberately do it the other way just to destroy her peace of mind.

Grow up moment example 1: 3 broken arms in 18 months....I had to do EVERYTHING the hard way.

As a "young adult" I had an enormous chip on my shoulder. My S.H.I.T did not stink. I was King (Queen) crap of turd island. I spoke very nasty to people.

Grow up moment example 2: My mom and I went to the Rockwood Burger King for dinner one night when I was about 12. I of course said something nasty to her in the line, and the gal working the cash register heard what I said, and said to me, "If I would have talked to my mom the way you are talking to your mom, I'd have a fat lip." I have never forgotten that and it has had an enormous effect on me.

Skipping forward to my 20's. I had a live hard kind of attitude. I did everything. If I had a problem, I ignored it. Sometimes the problem went away. Sometimes it did not. When it did not, I called my father. The great fixer of problems. The righter of wrongs, the payer of bills etc.

I always promised I would change. That I wouldn't be such a screw up. I would change.

I did change. Oh did I change, I changed my name.

Grow up moment example 3: I married a man I knew 28 days. Basically I ran away to Reno and married a stranger! I don't recommend this. I was lucky. I found a diamond in the rough. He is a wonderful man, and I love him more and more every day.

This could have turned out really really bad. I don't want to even think how bad this could have been. This could have hurt much more than just me.

At this point I recall really knowing what I did no matter what it was, had consequences.

#1 and #2 really had a new meaning to me at this point also.

There were a few other little life lessons that have hit me from time to time that I wont mention, I will just say I wouldn't be the person I am today without them.

I had another grow up moment tonight.

I got a phone call from a person that I consider family. This person is facing some serious business. It is NOT good and I feel so badly for this person and this persons family. This will be a life changing event for them and they will never forget this. This impact this will have on their family is huge.

I want so badly to help. With every fiber of my being I want to help. There is of course nothing I can do but be a friend and be there for the family, and support them as best I can.

The lesson learned is this. I have grown up. I realized tonight what it was to be my dad. Why he was the great fixer of things. Why he always fixed things. And now why he hates it that I won't let him fix things.

I called him after speaking to my friend. He is always the voice of reason, and he most always has good advice. I needed to hear from him that this would be OK. I can hear in his voice real and true concern. He is also saddened by this situation. I can hear in his voice another thing to. He wants to help. He wants so badly to do what he used to do for me...fix things. He hasn't felt useful since his diagnosis and the hope I heard in his voice tonight was defining.

I am hoping that this is a come to jesus moment for my friend. I hope they learn (just as I had to) the life fast and ignore your problems until they go away route is NOT the good one. It may look like the easiest road, it is. Until you find your pot hole. They are so deep that without help and the willingness to face your problems you will never get out. I hope that they can face this.

Part of my journey in this is I need to learn to let people help themselves. I can offer support and compassion, but I am not the one that has to do the work. I need to learn that by helping I am not helping. I am just throwing more dirt in on them.
Today I am grown up by 1 more day.
I also know why my parents were always so damn tired.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tonight I ate something so good. I had been craving it ALL day. (sounds sexy right. get your mind out of the gutter.)

You know you are getting close to your monthly curse when you make a crispy bacon, mayo and provolone sandwich. And add a side of flavor blasted goldfish, a diet root beer and 1/2 a carton of Ben and Jerry's Phish food.

The gas....the gas will come, but I will have had a bacon sandwich and thats not a bad thing.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I cant say how excited I am that I have learned how to blog from my phone!!! Wooo hooo!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Today was a beautiful day. With a cloud of sadness. I just got the call from my dad that he and my mom put their wonderful dog of 13 years to sleep.

Rest in Peace Lucy, you were a good and faithful friend.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A good direction, from good directions.

Men soon the faults of others learn
A few their virtues, too, find out;
But is there one—I have a doubt— Who can his own defects discern?

Sanskrit Proverb

Make it thy business to know thyself,
which is the most difficult lesson in the world.

Miguel de Cervantes

Be courteous to all, but intimate with few;
and let those be well-tried before you give them your confidence.

George Washington

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I have passion.
Actually I am extremely competitive, but passion makes is sound alot less well....bad.

This weekend, Sarah went to her first Softball tryouts. We knew she'd make the team because KC is coaching, but it was tryouts all the same.
KC and I discussed the tryouts ahead of time, and it was determined that Sarah would be under alot less stress to perform, it I went with Ben on his Cub Scout activity. (which was met with ALOT of sighing and eye rolling by the boy.)

This weekend has been full of Softball type activities for our family. Sarah and I have taken every sunny opportunity (where nascar wasn't on) to work on her skills.
She has got a really great arm and if we could just work on her accuracy, I think that she has a bright future. I am not exaggerating when I say that my 8 year old daughter can make the through from 3rd to 1st. She (when she pays attention) can hit the ball very well also.

I am extremely happy that she wants to play, although I do question how much she is playing because she wants to and how much she is playing because I want to.

I have been to the Fireballs web site and printed out papers, I have been to the OSAA website and printed out rules and coaching tips and I have been to Jenny Finch's web site (she is a goddess!!) and printed out tips from her. I have highlighted things in there that are important, and I have them all stapled together and ready to hand to KC.
I know it is over kill and that he is the coach of 6,7 and 8 year old girls, but again with the passion.

KC and I decided last year that he would coach. (really, I wanted to coach, but....I am afraid that my passion would either create a team of softball G.I Joe combat warriors OR make every girl on the team run home in tears and begging not to have to play.) So KC is the coach. I thought that I would just sit on the side line and help out at practice if needed, but to my surprise my sweet husband who never ceases to amaze me, put me on the team list as an official assistant coach.

I get to help. I can not tell you how this simple gesture on his part makes me feel.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I am so LAME!

If you google lame, you will get a picture of me.

Today, was a rotten awful day. Not only did I have to snake the kids toilet, but I cleaned the entire house, did all of the laundry, and hung up all of the hang up clothes. My car which took 7 weeks to fix incorrectly, went in to the body shop to have things "fixed" that were supposed to be fixes the first time. When we got to the body shop that had my car ALL DAY (which required the kids and I to walk to Sarah's piano lesson in the rain) Actually made the car WORSE. So, it goes back in tomorrow with pictures of what a Dodge Charger hood should look like.
So after yelling (litterally yelling) at the repair guy, yelling at KC because he was closest, and running 2 miles on the treadmill, I felt moderately better.
I decided that looking at my ranking on yahoo fantasy racing was a good idea. Last week I was tied for 1st, so I knew that I'd fall out of the top 10 this week. Well low and behold.....Nascar nerd me, is all by herself in FIRST. Yippee!!!
I feel so very much better, life will go on and if those fuckers at Kadels don't do the car right this don't want to know.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's just the wrong pair and you know it.

You wake up one morning, go to your dresser, and grab your panties. You know the minute your hand touches them that you have grabbed "that" pair.
You know the ones. They don't feel right, the elastic is soft in some spots, the material makes your butt sweat, and they itch.

That is how my blogging has felt lately.
I haven't been able to write anything.
I've barely been able to write my own name.
It's not for the lack of trying or things that piss me off, there have been lots of both.

For instance, ownership.
You can own many things. Your time share in Maui, your car, your house, your thoughts, your actions, your emotions, and your beliefs. I've thought alot about ownership lately. How as people we don't focus much on the ownership of things that aren't tangible. We don't stop and take ownership of what we say, what we do and how we act.

I try to instill in my children that what we say to people is like throwing a pebble into a still lake. That pebble, no matter how small makes ripple upon ripple.
Now imagine that the pebble is a word said in hatred, and the pond is a person. (or group of people) Look at the ripples that move through. Your words hit and spread moving outward and touching more people than you may have intended. You OWN the words that come out of your mouth.

Here is another pebble in the pond. For hundreds of years, one group or another has cast their stone into the pond. The words and actions of people who thought their view point was the ONLY view point damaged a great many people.

Hitler/The Jewish population.
White rich southern men/slaves
and most recently,
Straight Christians/Homosexual and transgendered people.

People. Like it or not, whether you align with one side or the other, the common factor in all of those are....People.
Agree with either side and you will still find People. People and their words/actions cause problems. When are People going to be the solution to problems?
Saying that one side is more right than the other, or just plain right is wrong.
Just because you may have more "book" learning than some, does not make you better than me. A person who has "real life" learning.
Just because you are passionate about something you believe in, doesn't make you right. I just makes you passionate about something.
People. With feelings, people with their own hopes dreams and passions.
It is when people with passions who seek to disparage and attack other people that turmoil and hate are allowed to flourish.
We must accept that their are many views in the world, not just ours. We MUST accept that there are many different kinds of people in the world. Through acceptance (not tolerance) we can change the world. Together. But we must start with ourselves, with our attitudes towards others. We must change our "panties".
Right now, we are wearing the wrong pair. And you know it.

Thank you Congress

Thank you Congress. Thank you for listening. Thank you to the 3 Republicans that crossed over the aisle and helped the working and currently not working man.
As for the rest of the Republi- cant's. I hope you enjoy sitting in your big fancy houses, thinking of ways to stick it to us little guys. Maybe we should stick it to you when you are up for re-election. I wonder how you would feel to be out of work. Come stand next to me in the un-employment line.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I am sick of being bored.

Ok, I am bored, and I am sick of it.
I have been cooped up in my house for the past week, and I am SO over it.
I am finally able to use my back muscles without pain (or drugs), but am still unable to clean my house.
The 4 of us have colds, which means the 4 of us are whining. ALOT.
Both children missed 2 days each of school last the same time....NOOOOO different days!
I have Thank you notes to deliver, but can not, as 2 of the people that I need to deliver to either have a new baby in the house, OR are pregnant. Which makes it hard to watch 24 with Traci.
Yes, I am having a pity party. I desperately need to get out of the house without children. Maybe next week. KC leaves to go fishing on Friday.
Knock on wood February is healthier and less injured than January.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

If you ever need to take me to the hospital

OK this is serious, and after the BAD reaction I had the other day, You my friends need to know this.

If you take me to the hospital and I can NOT speak for myself or am to stupid to do so, I can not under any circumstances be given Naproxin. or any form of. I run a high fever, forget what I am doing and eventually pass out! I also can not take codeine/vicoden/hydrocodone.... anything with CODEINE is bad for me. I am also allergic to Erythromyacin. I break out in hives, and throw up. And finally I am allergic to bees. If I get stung, there is always an eppi pen in my car, but you have to take me to the hospital if we can't find it. You have 20 minutes.
And to my dear friend Kate who noticed that I was reacting to my meds on Friday night. Thank You. I had never had that problem before, and had forgotten I had taken the pill at dinner. I appreciate your eagle eyes!!!!
Back still hurts, and I am still suffering some effects of the medicine problem, but I am on the mend!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Cookies, tone and the art of forgiveness

Odd title isn't it.

So this is a 3 part post, and I am trying something new.
(change is good, change is good, change is good)

First cookies, Oh how I love them. My friends daughter made me the BEST ones that I have eaten and I need that recipe. Yummy little pumpkin-spicy chocolate chip wonders with a glaze on top! TO DIE FOR.

Then about a week or so ago, I saw a recipe for chocolate chip bacon cookies. Not a combination that I would have put together, but it does satisfy the "salt and chocolate" urges that women get at certain times of the month. I tried them. Not the actual recipe from the TV show, but I did fry up some bacon, and made chocolate chip cookies and ate them together. (thank you Carrie for the idea.) It was a different taste, but not offensive. I may be persuaded to make them again. Maybe.

Tone. Tone is extremely difficult to judge here on the Internet. Most people (including myself) when reading an e-mail or a blog post, or even a Facebook note on your wall, read with a preconceived idea as to the tone of what the author is trying to say.
For example the Tone I use in my blog is not confrontational. I try to keep it informative. And by that I mean MY blog is a window into MY brain. I use it to express my feelings, insecurities, sadness's and joy. I write for me and me alone and I allow others to read it. I do not use it as a platform to attack. Anyone that truly knows me and has been on the receiving end of an attack from me knows that if we have a problem, you know it. I am not so passive aggressive that I post as a form of attack. My attacks usually come in the form of phone calls and if I am truly pissed off at you I will show up at your house and request a face to face.
Now back to tone and the way we take things. When my neighbor read the post I deleted yesterday she felt that I was angry and not happy with her as she expressed her feelings to me that she thought it wasn't my place to be a warning beacon to the community.
Kate who read the same post and had the opposite reaction. Just going to show that 2 different people can and usually do take things in different ways. 1 thought it to be about her, the other thought it was informative.

My tone in that post was to be informative. It was to let people know that things do happen in happy little bedroom communities. It was to say that I didn't take it seriously at first because I didn't want to believe it. Deep down in my heart, I had to check the facts. Not only for my own peace of mind, but also for the safety of my children. They walk home from school every day, and I as a mother will do what ever I need to do to protect them. If that ruffles a few feathers oh well. I was not put on this earth to be the peace maker. It is NOT in my genetic makeup.
My therapist warned me when I put up the new blog (after the drama the old blog caused) that some how drama would find me again if I made it public instead of keeping it just for me.
I really don't want to have to make it private, but if MY posts and MY opinions start attracting drama again, I will do just that. (Sorry Kate.)
I am filtering out as much drama from my life and I do not want the tone of my life to be a reflection of drama.
I regret having to delete the post, but in order to filter away the drama, I felt that it was best. However that being said, I will not be deleting any more nor censoring what I say. I do not excuse myself for the things I say here. The things that I say reflect my beliefs and my personality. By deleting that post I removed a part of myself and that is something I have to forgive myself for.
Speaking of forgiveness, we had a lesson in it here on Tuesday. Many many times I have told the 3 other people that live here not to leave their things on the stairs. It is a safety hazard and someone is going to get hurt. Multiple times over the course of 4 days, I asked my son to remove his spare pillow from the stairs. He did not, and on Tuesday I stepped on that pillow and fell down a few stairs. The X rays that I had taken don't show any bone damage which I am thankful for and the doc has me taking care of the pain with Aleeve. Which actually WORKS. She did call me in something with Codeine in it so that I could sleep, but after my dopiness the other night, I don't foresee me using it again.
I have forgiven my little boy. I forgave him the minute it happened. He comes home from school and hands me notes saying I am sorry. I write him notes saying I forgive him and that I know it was an accident and that he didn't do it on purpose. I hope to help him find a way to forgive himself so that he can have some peace.
Forgiveness is something that should be given freely to others and ourselves. It is something that we are all worthy of.
Our ability to forgive says alot about us as people. And keeps us at the very least 1 step above animals.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

You know you are old when.......

You know you are old when it is 9 pm and you are wondering why you still have your bra on.

You know you are old when the party starts at 10 and you have usually been in bed for an hour by then.

You know you are old when you put your pm pill in your purse to take in the car on the way home from a party.

You know you are old when you CANT remember the last time you left the house at 9:15 pm willingly.

You know you are old when you hit spell check, and take delight in the fact that there are no errors to fix.

Its almost my birthday, and I am officially all of the above.

Monday, January 12, 2009

H8 lives on Vandolah Lane

At the beginning of the school year, I gave my children a cell phone. They carry it because they walk home from school, and have to cross a busy street. I want them to be safe. I wanted to protect them. I unfortunately could not protect them from what happened today on the way home from school.

There is a house on my street that has 3 boys that live in it. 2 of them walk home from school sometimes with my children, but mostly walk way ahead of them.

My son calls me today to let me know that they are crossing Woodhaven. (the busy street)

While on the phone with my son, I hear this conversation.

Boys "Sarah you are so GAY, and we DON'T LIKE GAY PEOPLE"

Sarah "Well I like Gay people. I know a girl who has 2 moms and they are really nice"

Boys "Sarah is gay, Sarah is gay, Sarah is gay......" etc

Sarah "Whatever, you are stupid."

So, before piano today Sarah and I had a talk about this.

I asked her what she thought gay was.....She said, RSG and HG are gay. (she used their names....I edit)

I asked her what makes them gay.... She said they love each other, and they kiss on the lips so, they are gay.

I went on to ask her if she thought being gay was alright.......She didn't even miss a beat when she said YES! (I am ever so proud of my 7 year old daughter.)

I am not proud however of saying where I live anymore. I really used to like this town. There were certain reasons why we moved here, but now they are being over shadowed by the bigotry and hatred that this town has chosen to adopt.

It is very upsetting to me that parents are teaching their children the language of hate. The mother of the bully boys is a teacher at the middle school here, and I certainly hope her hatred does not trickle down to her students.

My usual code is to forgive those who bully me/my family, because trying to talk about things and fix them never works with bigots. I am finding it extremely difficult this time.

I wonder if they need my old white sheets.

Mute button

As you well may know, I am a Nascar freak. A t-shirt wearing, TV yelling, highly superstitious Nascar freak.

There is 1 solid week of race talk, speculation, dueling, qualifying and more talking right before the Daytona 500.

This year the 500 is the day after Valentines day, and I have requested a "mute button" as my Valentines gift.
Every year KC gives me 3 no strings attached "mutes". I have to request them ahead of time, but I always get them. On those 3 days, (Daytona 500, Talladega, and the Brickyard 400) I get to sit on the couch alone in the house with the TV and surround sound on as loud as I want.
I don't have to cook for anyone, I don't have to parent anyone, I don't answer the phone, emails or texts, and unless my driver is doing poorly, I don't have to do any laundry/cleaning. Although I do admit to doing some superstitious laundry to get him back into the top 10.
You laugh, I can hear you, but hand to God, it works. I do laundry Kasey Kahne gets back into the top 10. When I stop, he falls out. SO, I try to pace the Sunday laundry so that he is in the top 10 the entire race.
The rest of the year, it is just implied that if mommy is watching her race cars you (no pun intended) stear clear.
Now the only thing I have to worry about is if my T shirt will be here in time.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I don't like them.....I really don't.
Recently I made plans with my tattooist/gal pal and shoe junkie supporter to go to Silverado on the 18Th of January. I thought it was going to be a max of 3 me/her/brittini. (however not sure if this is crazy brittni)
What I was unaware of was, she posted it as a birthday bash for me.
I was unaware until Patti put a post on my wall that there was a naked boy party for me......did I mention I don't like surprises? To clarify, I KNEW about the naked gay boys....what I didn't know was there was a shin dig in the makings for me. SO, I am inviting everyone!!! Come one Come all!!! Please.
So, here is how my birthday week is going down. Pre party on the 15th with Helen Keller and Betty Crocker for breakfast. You know who you are. Sunday party at the Silverado, Monday family obligation, Tuesday other family obligation. Egad I am going to be a zombie on Wednesday!
SO I am hoping at some point SOME NICE PERSON says Hey Eileen lets go have TOM KAH at Dangs....OR Thai green curry at Zao. OR maybe just some cupcakes in baby land.
Just a thought........

Fabric Softener

How married women mark their territory.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Carline HELL

This is the e-mail I sent to the school principal this morning. I am sick of the entitled Sherwood parents that are afraid that their children will melt if they get rain on them.

Good Morning Mr. Smith,

I apologize for bombarding you with this first thing in the morning, but if I don't address it now, I will forget again.

The parent pick up and drop off line is a major concern for me.
This morning for example I dropped my 2 children off at school at 7:38. When I arrived, there were 6 cars stopped behind the cross walk and NO ONE had pulled up to the sign that Eric Beasley had put out saying very clearly, "Please pull forward to here." With a large arrow pointing at the spot. I had to go around those 6 cars to follow the rules.
Eric was waving all of those cars forward and from what I witnessed, only one actually acknowledged him and pulled forward the others went on with their drop offs behind the cross walk.
This concerns me a great deal. When parents have to consistently pull around the cars that are not following the rules, it creates an extremely dangerous situation for our children and staff that are using the crosswalk and creating a catch 22 of sorts.
That being, do we break the rules with the habitual offenders and not pull up creating a nightmarish Carline situation for all, or do we pass those cars to follow the rules risking hitting a child that is not paying attention crossing in the parking lot cross walk or potentially hit a staff member.
I do realize that car line will never be perfect for all. Middleton administration and staff HAVE made great improvements in the afternoon line. I do appreciate all the improvements that have been made. They have been noticed by many and appreciated.
Now our major concern should be the morning line.
I do realize that you have alot of things to do at the school, and that you can't be everywhere managing everything so, I would be happy to help create and manage a parents/staff/admin brain storming group at the school to create some flow solutions, and find an acceptable way to inform parents of what the rules are and what the consequences of not following those rules will be. I do realize that many messages have been in the Middleton Messenger regarding the line, but in some cases, it is falling on "deaf" ears.
I'd even be happy to stand out there in the morning and "gently encourage" those who do not follow the rules to begin to.
I am extremely proud of our school, and I want everyone to feel the same way I do. I just wish that some of our parents could follow the "respectful, responsible and safe" motto that our children follow.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
My phone number is 503-XXX-XXXX Thank you for listening, and again I apologize for hitting you with this first thing in the morning.
Have a great day,

Monday, January 5, 2009

I've got my big girl pants on.

I want to believe that people are inherently good.

I want to believe that people always have good intentions and don't seek to defraud and steal from others.

I don't like the situation that I am currently in.

Back in October, a Pure Romance party happened at my house.
Orders were placed and money was exchanged. 2 people committed to having their own parties and did hold those parties. (those parties had the same problem I am about to tell you about.)

The consultant who did the party in the name of Pure Romance. (she used the words Pure Romance multiple times.) Took our money, and handed out product. What she didn't have in stock she told us she'd have to order.
Not something totally unreasonable right?! It's perfectly reasonable. We as her customers in good faith gave her our checks. Some even used their debit cards.
As of today January 5Th we have not received our orders and all that we have gotten is an empty promise of delivery.
I called this consultant the day of my friend Patti's party, which was in November. I wanted an up date on my product.
She gave me this garbage story that Pure Romance shipped her entire order wrong, she had sent it back and was waiting for her correct order to show up. She assured me that I'd have my order soon. So, I waited. And waited some more.
Yesterday, I sent her an e-mail. It bounced back to me. Today I called her cell phone.....its been disconnected. I called her land line, disconnected. Tonight "P" and I went to her house. Her car was in the driveway. Her house lights were on, there was cat food on the porch in bowls, there were noises in her house. When we knocked...the house fell silent. We waited. Noise came back. We rang the bell, the house fell silent. It was clear she wasn't coming to the door.
So as we left, and thanks to modern technology, I now have a picture of her licence plate.
I am going to take that picture with me when the Crying Jew and I go to the Sherwood Police department and file police reports of theft and fraud. I am also getting extra report forms for the ladies that were at my house and for those who attended other parties.
I have contacted Pure Romance, but without a receipt which I didn't receive as I was told she needed it for the order, I am up shit creek with out a paddle so this is my only recourse.
I am sad that I have to do this. I am not afraid, just sad.
This woman is a single mom. She has 2 kids and has recently lost her job. I am sad that I have to make her life a bit more difficult. But if I don't she will do this to more people and I can't have that on my conscience.
So, I have put my big girl pants on, tightened my belt, and I am ready for it all!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Is the word Turnip code for drugs?

Seriously how dumb are people?

I posted that I had 3 turnips that my family wont eat on Craigs List. So I get a call today that this gal would like to trade with me. I call her back and this is the conversation.

Me: "Hi, I am returning the call from the gal looking for Turnips."

Her "that's me, do you still have the turnips?"

Me " I sure do. they are very fresh"

Her "cool.....would you like to trade them for some Chronic broccoli or cauliflour?"

Me "um, I'd rather have the broccoli or Cauliflour....dont need the chronic thanks."

Her "oh ok..bye"

So seriously, are you so hard up for TURNIPS that you are willing to trade dope for it? Or am I being thick and posted an add for drugs? I really don't know. HELP!!!! I don't know the code if there is one.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

$ 10.25

I hate starting things with numbers.....I feel like I am getting ready to break into a song from rent.

I have to start with a number however because I am 1. horrified that movie prices have gone up to 10.25 to see a movie, and that people pay that amount and then treat the movie theater like it is their personal living room.

My husband is rolling his eyes at me for this because he knows that I have a thing with movie theaters. (actually it is the people that go there.)

So that I don't turn into a beast and snarl at the people around me, I typically sit in the back. (unless of course I am with someone who hates the back and then I insist on sitting on the end so that I can get out and cool off if necessary)

I can't stand listening to some one scarf down their popcorn I HATE it. Popcorn eating smackers are drawn to me and always seem to sit behind me. But, as usual, I digress.

The reason why I am writing tonight is this. Kate and I went to see Ani and John's new beautiful baby boy today. He is absolutely darling. He is bigger than my children were at his tender age of 5 days old. BUT I can't remember my kids being that small. Oh how they grow. Anyway after the visit with Ani, and John we went to dinner, then to Bridgeport for a movie.

The movie was lovely. We saw Benjamin Button. You must see this movie. It is a long 166 minutes, but it is such a nice story. Its not the feel good movie of the year, but it is very entertaining and I did NOT do a watch check half way through. A good sign that I am being entertained.

We got to the theater early enough to snag the BEST spot in my opinion. On the end in the back. Oh how happy I was knowing that NO ONE could bother me tonight. Boy was I wrong. We couldn't have been in our seats 5 minutes before 2 people chose to sit almost on top of Kate in a virtually empty row instead of leaving the courtesy seat between strangers. (I know what you are thinking, I am being overly sensitive. Usually I'd agree with you, but there were plenty of seats for these yahoos to sit in so WHY did they choose to sit by us.) Needless to say Kate and I moved seats. To the Handicapped seats saying very loudly to those around us that we'd happily move if a disabled person needed the seats. Then Dork ball that plopped down next to us says "Oh ya no one ever sits there" I almost yelled across Kate saying, "then why the hell didn't you sit there butt wad" But I didn't. Now I mentioned that the movie was 166 minutes for a reason. Kate and I for 166 minutes got to listen to dork wad smoosh and open his candy wrappers. Slowly and loudly. Over and Over again. We also got to listen to them talk in their normal voices (not whispers) during the entire movie. These people thought that they were at home. They would get up, drop things, go pick them up, stretch, talk and just be rude to those around them with their noise level. I only had to listen to the guy I have dubbed the squeaker. His chair needed to have its hinges greased as the chair as he rocked it went squeak squeak squeak squeak, you get the picture.
Why is it that we as a society have become so rude? Why is it socially acceptable to say bring in a bag of fast food into a movie theater, or talk loudly through a movie. I understand that they also paid the same amount of money for their tickets to see the movie, but when they put up a poster at the theater saying "please be considerate of those around you and silence your cell phone" shouldn't you also silence yourself? Or do we need a poster for that too?